Think about it, have you ever felt love coming from someone as much as you have coming from God? Because of God’s great love for us, He actually gave His only begotten son Jesus to die on the cross for our sins so that we could have a right to eternal life. Of course the story didn’t end there Jesus was also resurrected! Most of us cannot even fathom that kind of love. The Bible is filled with so many scriptures about God’s mammoth, unfailing, and undeniable love for us. It is just like a wonderfully, solid, unapologetically correct spiritual love story.

Perhaps you have experienced some horrific times in your life and now through God’s great faithfulness and hand of deliverance you have your own personal testimony. You know first hand about how God’s love, power, compassion, and grace turned your mourning into dancing, and gave you beauty for ashes. Oh what love!

What if your life was one in which your name and trouble seemed to gel as one. In other words, if someone even heard your name trouble was always associated with it but, then one special, incredible life changing day came your way and you heard about how God could totally turn your life around. You found out that God made the bold promise that though your sins were as scarlet He would make them as white as snow! You gave your life to Christ and realized over a period of time that He had totally wiped trouble away from your name, totally! Only God could write a spiritual love story that powerful.

The bottom line is that God’s love for us is omnipotent and has the capacity to turn circumstances completely around that were far too difficult for us to handle. He is willing to work with us no matter the condition of our soul.


  • Name at least three things that you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God turned around in your life.


  • Many times when we are going through trials the enemy attempts to get us to lose faith in God. What made you hold on to God when things were really difficult?


God Bless,

Minister Kimberly L. Smith

A Spiritual Love Story






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