There are so many times that we cannot figure out how to bring peace to the brokenness in our past or even to present pain that we may be facing but, God knows how to give beauty in exchange for ashes (Isaiah 61:3).  He knows exactly what to do to bring healing to places in our lives where there is existing hurt.   He knows just what it takes and exactly how to orchestrate the turnaround that brings joy in the place of pain.

Many of us have secret places inside our hearts where we hide our pain.  Sometimes there are just no words for the severity of the emotional blows that we often face.  On the other hand, we frequently have the words to express our feelings but, no one who is trustworthy enough to be called a confidant and so we bury that pain where we think no one can find it.

May I suggest to you that the Lord wants to redirect any misusage of what the secret place is actually reserved for.  He wants to fill that place of pain with His unconditional love, counsel, comfort, and peace.  Commit to giving Him all of the sorrows that your heart holds whether others are aware of it or not.  Tell Him everything, leave nothing out.  He honors honesty.

The King James Bible says that a broken and contrite spirit He will not turn away (Psalm 51:17).  The Common English Bible (CEB) says it this way, “A broken spirit is my sacrifice, God.  You won’t despise a heart, God, that is broken and crushed.”   Surrender to the Lord the things that you cannot fix.  He has the best answer that is tailored just for you.  He wants you to be free in every area of your life.  Invite Him into that place of pain and trust Him to turn it into a place of peace.

He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.   Psalms 91:1 KJV




1.  Concealed places of hurt are places that you have tucked away inside your heart and have not allowed the Lord to minister completely to you in those areas.  Are there any painful areas in your life that you have not dealt with?


2.  If your answer was yes to the previous question will you invite the Lord to come into those hidden places and heal you of every hurt?


3.  Make a decision to trust God to help you through your hidden places of pain.


4.  Thank Him in advance for Your breakthrough of emotional healing, and  for giving you beauty in exchange for ashes.


Hope Overcome Ebook