There’s a powerful impact of words and actions which can be displayed positively or negatively.  I’m reminded of a situation that happened when I was in middle school.  One of my classmates was a nice, quiet young man who used to smile all of the time.  It would be extremely rare to see him without a smile on his face.


One day our teacher asked him to deliver a note to a teacher of another classroom.  Of course, he was delighted to run the errand.  However, when he returned to our classroom it was apparent that something was terribly wrong.  This was evidenced by the fact that the smile that he so proudly displayed on a daily basis had disappeared from his face; even his physical stance had changed and was no longer confident.


I couldn’t help but wonder what had happened to him.   Our teacher took one look at him and instantly knew what the problem was.  Her comment to him was, “you read the note didn’t you?”  Without a smile in sight, he nodded his head with a gesture of yes.  He later disclosed to someone what the message said, “Doesn’t he have a stupid smile?”


I never forgot that story and how the power of words used in the wrong manner can crush someone’s spirit.  The teacher knew that the young man would be smiling when he handed the note to the other teacher.  Being teased by peers can have a devastating blow and even more so when it is coming from a person of influence.  I’m sure that my classmate respected, admired, and felt safe with our teacher however, that experience could have changed his very life in a negative way.


The moral of this story is to realize the power of the words that we say and to treat everyone with dignity, kindness, and respect regardless of their age, race, or differences.  I pray that my middle school classmate was restored through God’s love and words that heal.  And I pray that the teacher learned a valuable heart lesson in doing unto others as you would have them do unto you.




1. Have you experienced any situations similar to what my classmate experienced? If so, how did those situations effect you?


2. Ask the Lord to heal you from any hidden hurts that may have come from negative words spoken to you.


3. Activate your healing by being extra kind to someone today and showing love to someone who may be going through a difficult time


It is our goal to bring you anointed words and services that inspire, encourage, and foster a closer relationship with the Lord. We thank God for you and want you to know that you’re always welcome at The Angelic Pen, “Where the words of heaven flow from God’s Heart to your spirit.” 



Minister Kimberly L. Smith

Minister Kimberly L. Smith


Minister Kimberly Smith is a woman who is dedicated to God and has been serving the Lord for more than 30 years. She is a woman who radiates the love and compassion of Christ and emanates God’s great hope for people. The Lord uses her mightily in areas of intercession, teaching, counseling, and encouragement. She is also a prolific prophetic writer, watchfully scribing the whispers of God. God graced her with gifts that have brought inner healing and hope to many. Minister Kimberly and her husband Minister Michael L. Smith created an anointed Spoken Word CD titled “The Pastor’s Journey.” She is the author and her husband is the musical arranger, composer, and reciter. She is a graduate of Kent State University with a M.Ed. in Rehabilitation Counseling, and of Wilberforce University with a BA in Rehabilitation Counseling.