When we put God first it’s a win-win situation.  He loves us so much and has wonderful and awesome plans for us.  I believe the Lord sees us as being so successful, complete in every area, with nothing missing, and nothing broken.


Many times we see ourselves differently as if we don’t measure up, or as if we don’t have enough in us to be what God has called us to be; as if it were impossible to reach the destination that God wants us to obtain.


If we would only grab hold of our Master’s loving hand we would be in divine agreement and fellowship with Him.  He would show Himself mighty on our behalf.  Then we would actively find ourselves walking out the plan that God has for our lives.  When we do this God is pleased with our dedication and submission to His will.  In turn, we will be overjoyed because we will actually be flowing with God, and accomplishing those things that we have put on the back burner, or struggled to do.


In essence, when we agree with God and move with His plan for us it becomes a win-win situation.  He is pleased with us for making a decision to trust Him, and it brings glory to His name.  This causes us to be at peace, and filled with joy because we are honoring what our Heavenly Father has called us to do.


Let’s endeavor to give God our very best.  He deserves nothing less.  Where we are weak, insecure, stubborn, or whatever the case may be we must be honest with God about it, and repent quickly, then take the necessary actions in moving with Him.




1.  Are you aware of some of the plans that the Lord would have you to do?

2.  Do you have a strategy in fulfilling those plans?

3.  Have you identified anything that may be hindering you from walking out those plans?  If so, ask God to help you overcome them, and then take a step of faith in doing what God wants you to do.  Praise Him for the step, and celebrate the movement!


Ask the Lord to bless your plans, and you will be successful in carrying them out.”  Proverbs 16:3  Good News Bible