Spring time is quickly approaching and every sign of winter will soon be gone.  All of the snow will have melted and the frigid temperatures will have ceased. No more weather reports of Alberta Clippers or Lake Effect Snow. We will begin to see beautiful greenery where dry and barren trees used to dwell.


This is also the time of the year that many people do their spring cleaning which simply means seriously going through each room in the house and thoroughly cleaning it. It also entails getting rid of things that haven’t been used in a long time and have done nothing more than collected dust.


Now let’s look at this deep cleaning from a spiritual point of view. Let’s make a commitment to do a thorough inward examination of our own souls.  The soul consists of our minds, wills, and emotions.  We have to truthfully answer some serious questions such as, are our thoughts and motives pure.  Have we submitted our wills to the will of the Lord or do we live our lives without even considering Him?  Do we have control of our emotions or do we let our emotions control us?  How is our love walk?  Are we expressing love in a way that God would be pleased?  How is our tone when we talk to people?  There are so many other things that can be added to this list but, the point is that the Lord wants us to live with hearts that seek to please Him.


The Lord is able and willing to cleanse us and forgive us from all unrighteousness but, first we have to honestly admit that the dirt is there (see 1Jn 1:9). Only God can wash away all of the impurities in our lives.  Regardless of how grimy things may have gotten God’s love  remains unchanged and He will unwaveringly love us back to wholeness.



When was the last time that you did a thorough spiritual examination?

Does your way of doing things line up with God’s way of doing things?

What steps will you take to remove those things that are contrary to God’s way of doing things?



Minister Kimberly L. Smith

Minister Kimberly L. Smith


Minister Kimberly Smith is a woman who is dedicated to God and has been serving the Lord for more than 30 years. She is a woman who radiates the love and compassion of Christ and emanates God’s great hope for people. The Lord uses her mightily in areas of intercession, teaching, counseling, and encouragement. She is also a prolific prophetic writer, watchfully scribing the whispers of God. God graced her with gifts that have brought inner healing and hope to many. Minister Kimberly and her husband Minister Michael L. Smith created an anointed Spoken Word CD titled “The Pastor’s Journey.” She is the author and her husband is the musical arranger, composer, and reciter. She is a graduate of Kent State University with a M.Ed. in Rehabilitation Counseling, and of Wilberforce University with a BA in Rehabilitation Counseling