Just before I started writing this blog I began hearing a song in my spirit that I used to listen to on the radio when I was growing up.  A lady would sing these words:  “May the works I’ve done speak for me.  May the life I live speak for me.  May the service I give speak for me.”  What this song meant to me was to live on purpose for Jesus Christ; to do everything as unto the Lord.  We were not to just talk about wanting to please the Lord but, show it in our actions.

The old adage is true, actions speak louder than words.  For example, if you really love me then don’t just tell me but, display it in how you treat me.  The same is true with the Lord.  If we say that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior then our lives should exemplify that fact.  People should see His love through us.  They should be able to experience His attributes flowing from us as opposed to just hearing us talk about how much we love Him. Don’t get me wrong, it’s vitally important that you tell people you love and care about them, and adding unconditional kindness to those words makes it all the more believable.

We must live lives of integrity.  What comes out of our mouths as Christians has to line up with what is seen in our daily activities.  For instance, if we talk about how we love God so much, or how often we go to church and then we have a short fuse at the slightest little thing, then we’re going to leave some people scratching their heads and a little confused.  If I’m quick to twist the truth and then embarrassingly call it “a little white lie,” then I have just compromised my integrity because lying is not a part of my Savior’s character.

Some things we’ve been doing for years due to learned behavior or the environment in which we grew up.  It has become a part of our lifestyle and we haven’t even given it a second thought.  Let’s pause for a moment each day and ask the Lord to help us live lives that are full of His character at all times.  When we miss the mark, and we sometimes will, let’s be quick to repent and ask the Lord to cleanse us from unrighteousness (1Jn 1:9).  Our highest desire should be to please Him.   We then can add our own personal line to the song mentioned above and sing, “May the integrity I’ve shown speak for me.”




  1. Do you think that God approves of us doing things contrary to the character of a true believer?
  1. What can you do to strengthen integrity in your life until it becomes as natural to you as wearing clothing (Psalm 132:9)?
  1.  Examine how you handle things on a daily basis in your home, school, church, on your job, etc.  Make sure that integrity is seen in all that you do.


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