@2022 by Kimberly L. Smith


Aren’t you grateful for God’s love and that He knows you personally?  Out of the multitudes of people He created, He has not forgotten one of their names.  He hasn’t forgotten the exact date and time that you left heaven to make your entrance into the earth.  He knew the precise number of hairs that you would have on your head, what race you would be, what your personality would be like, and so much more.  Only God could do that!

“Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.”      – Luke 12:6-7 NIV

You were handcrafted by God, then He blew His precious breath of life into you and said, “live.”  To God be the glory!  Because God is omniscient, no matter how old you are, He still knows every minor detail that pertains to you.  He hasn’t lost interest in you.  Even though there may have been times that you chose to go your own way, He remained faithful and His love for you remained unshakeable.

It’s a fact, God will never stop loving you or caring about you.  Always remember how blessed you are and that the God of the entire universe will always have His eyes upon you.  You can depend on His love.  The Lord cherishes His relationship with you.  You bring honor to His name by making Him first in your life.


  1. What are you most grateful for regarding your relationship with the Lord?
  1. Write a letter to the Lord expressing your love for Him.


Dear Lord,

I come to You thanking You for Your amazing love. There is absolutely nothing that compares to it. I am so grateful that You always have me on Your mind. There’s not a time when You are not aware of everything that affects me whether good or bad.

Lord, I thank You that I can always count on Your love because it’s solid like an unbreakable rock. It’s stable and secure and doesn’t change. Your love is not temperamental but, it consists of something that I can’t even describe. Thank You Father for Your unconditional love. Thank You for blessing me to be wrapped in the miracle of Your love.

In Jesus’ Name,


Pastor Kimberly Smith is a woman who is dedicated to God and has been serving the Lord for more than 30 years. She is a woman who radiates the love and compassion of Christ and emanates God’s great hope for people. The Lord uses her mightily in areas of intercession, teaching, counseling, and encouragement. She is also a prolific prophetic writer, watchfully scribing the whispers of God. God graced her with gifts that have brought inner healing and hope to many.

Minister Kimberly and her husband Minister Michael L. Smith created an anointed Spoken Word CD titled “The Pastor’s Journey.” She is the author and her husband is the musical arranger, composer, and reciter. She is a graduate of Kent State University with a M.Ed. in Rehabilitation Counseling, and of Wilberforce University with a BA in Rehabilitation Counseling.