There are different spiritual gifts, but the same Spirit gives them. There are different ways of serving, and yet the same Lord is served. There are different types of work to do, but the same God produces every gift in every person.    1 Cor 4:4-6  God’s Word Translation

Did you know your gifts are priceless?  The Lord has blessed each of us with special gifts.  While some people have multiple gifts, the amount of gifts that a person possesses has nothing to do with God’s love for us.  He loves us all with the same intensity whether we’ve been graced to have many gifts or one or two.

The essential thing to remember is that God chose you to not only carry specific gifts that He created but, also to share those gifts with others.  It was important enough for Him to create the gifts in the first place and then He went even further and chose to give them to His children.  What an honor!

The Lord entrusted something that He holds in high esteem and decided to place it within His children.  We are so blessed!!   Just think about a hypothetical situation for a moment.  A person on your job looks so sad and troubled; instead of your coworkers trying to find out what’s wrong they gossip amongst each other and talk about how sad the person looks.  However, the Lord has blessed you with a Gift of Exhortation (Rom.12:4-8) and encouraging others is natural for you, in fact you absolutely love doing it.   Because of this fact, you simply walk over to the person and give them some wonderful words of life which causes hope to come alive in their heart once again.  This is a brief example of how powerful your God given  gift can be by sharing it with someone who needs your area of expertise. Always remember that you and your gifts are vitally important in the body of Christ.

One final thought that I have is to never compare your gift to someone else’s be thankful for the one’s that the Lord has given you.  The gift that the Lord gave you is just as important as the one He gave to someone else.  Wanting what someone else has and not recognizing the value of what you have is dishonoring God and we never want to do that.  Trust that He always knows what He’s doing including giving you the specific gifts that He wanted you to have.  Thank Him for each one, and use them often.   Remember someone needs what you have.



1.  How can you honor God with your gifts?

2.  When is the last time you used your gifts?

3.  Describe how you felt when you used your gift(s)


For further information about spiritual gifts read 1 Corinthians 12.  Also, I would like to suggest a very good book by Lester Sumrall titled,

Gifts & Ministries of the Holy Spirit


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