If we determine that we will flow with God by following His lead it’s inevitable that those godly dreams, desires, and goals will become a reality.

As we established in the last blog titled, “Reach for More” we all have desires, dreams, and goals inside of us.  In fact, God has a preordained destiny for each of us.  We will reach that place if we maintain our focus on Him.


 What Does It Mean To Flow With God


When you feel Him placing something in your spirit, heart, or mind just follow what the Lord is telling you to do.  Remember, He only wants what’s best for you nothing less.


If you feel a strong impression to do something that lines up with the word of God then go ahead and do it.  God is with you.  If for some reason you make a mistake and get off track or make a wrong turn, resolve within in your spirit that God loves you and He will walk with you to make sure that you reach that higher place in Him.


Just think, God has some awesome things inside of you that will bless and possibly deliver other people from hard situations.  Perhaps you have always wanted to tutor children in a specific academic area.  It’s always been in your heart to help youth who were struggling in school.  You have always had a good rapport with children and you have always done extremely well in school.


Suddenly one day you feel a strong urge to go to the school in your neighborhood, talk to the principal, and find out what you have to do to offer your help.  God gives you favor with the principal.  In fact, the school is in desperate need of tutors, they gladly accept your assistance and now you’re helping to shape the lives of the youth that you’re tutoring.


They may go on to be great scholars, leaders, and contributors in society because of the difference that you made in their lives all because you decided to acknowledge and obey the spiritual nudges that God gave you.  Those nudges led you from a place of good thoughts, to good actions, to good success.


Flowing with God by following His lead always pays off.



  1. What do you have to give that can be a blessing to others?
  2. Are you using your gifts to glorify God?
  3. Name some areas in your life that you need to work on, pray about them, and make a commitment to follow God.

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