One Sunday morning during praise and worship the congregation sang a beautiful love song by Fred Hammond, “Just to be Close to You”.  As we sang, the presence of the Lord began to fill the room.  It was so beautiful as our voices rang out in unison.  Oh how we longed to be closer to God than ever before.  There was absolutely nothing that could sway us from that fact.  Our sincere worship, love, and seeking after God caused His glory to be revealed in that church so much so that there was tangible evidence through singing, crying, praising, and worshipping God.


As we continued singing and expressing our love to the Lord something in the atmosphere gradually changed and a glorious shifting occurred.  The worship leader continued singing “Just to be Close to You” but, this time it had a different slant on it.  He was saying that the Lord loves the fact that we wanted to be close to Him but, The Lord also wanted us to know that He desired to be close and embrace us!  The worship leader began singing the following words, “He wants to be close to you, that’s His desire.”    I thought that the original way that we began singing the song was wonderful and anointed but, it could not compare to the love that flowed from heaven when we knew that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ had a strong desire to be close to us as well.   Needless to say, I was in spiritual awe for the rest of the day!


That experience is what the bible refers to as the Song (Voice) of the Bride and the Song (Voice) of the Bridegroom (see Jer. 33:11)  We know that the church represents the bride of Christ and that Christ represents the Bridegroom that will return for His bride one day (Rev. 19:7-9).  Well, by the congregation touching heaven with our worship (Song of the Bride) the Lord in turn directed the worship leader in what He wanted to sing over us (Song of the Bridegroom).  Sometimes this is done through songs that we’re familiar with and other times it is done prophetically in which songs that have never been heard before spontaneously flow from the spirit realm that line up beautifully with the heart of God.  When this occurs the Lord pours His love, blessings, and encouragement upon His people.  The words flow through the worship leader or designated singer and bless the body of Christ.  When these two types of songs are interchanged it becomes a beautiful love song between the Bride (church) and the Bridegroom (Jesus).



 1.  Have you ever been in a church service like the one mentioned above?  If so, describe your experience.


2.  Have you ever experienced the Song of the Bride and the Song of the Bridegroom during your personal time of worship?


3.  What words do you think Jesus would use if He were singing over you?


4.  In expressing your love and adoration for Jesus what words would you use to sing to Him?


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