It’s A Promise From God … Supernatural Peace!

It’s A Promise From God … Supernatural Peace!

“Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee, because he trusteth in thee.” ~ Isaiah 26:3


Ok, so you are going through a difficult time in your life and you come across the above scripture.  It sounds real good on paper but, in all honesty you are wondering how you are going to pull this thing off.   That is, how are you going to keep your mind fixed on the Lord when there is chaos all around you, your spirit is unsettled, and a breakthrough appears to be no where in site?


The truth is, if keeping your mind focused on the Lord in the midst of trials were impossible to do then the Lord would not have allowed it to be a part of His holy word.  Now, the Lord does acknowledge the fact that there are some things that can interrupt your life and cause your peaceful lifestyle to be shaken.  However, He does have a solution for that and He promises to not just let you experience it for a few minutes or a few hours but, He says that He will allow you to stay in the perfectness of His peace.  It is in this place that you are not consumed with your own thoughts, or mental and spiritual assaults that the enemy attempts to send your way.


The key is “perfect peace.”  The Lord has promised perfect peace to those who trust in Him.  Once you have received His perfect peace then keeping your mind focused on Him is more conceivable.  This kind of peace is absolutely unexplainable and inconceivable to the natural mind.  Why, because it is supernatural and it is something that only God can give.  Philippians 4:7 calls it


 “…the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” 


By all means if you find that this kind of peace is lacking in your life then ask the Lord to download His supernatural peace into your mind, will, emotions, and spirit.


It is not a pseudo type of peace in which sometimes people choose to ignore their problems and resort to calling it peace.  On the contrary, it is tangible and cannot be tampered with because God Himself has placed it within your spirit.  It is the kind of peace and embrace from God that causes you to sleep real good even though a storm is raging all around you.  This kind of peace will constantly let you relax in the fact that God is still in control. His position has not changed nor has He been demoted.  It will even cause boldness to rise up within you so that you can confidently follow the perfect example of Jesus Christ (Mark 4:39) and:


  • Rebuke the wind, that thing that is stirring up trouble
  • Tell the waves to be still, call forth the type of atmosphere that you want
  • Because the Holy Spirit is living inside of you the storm will obey your voice and a peaceful environment will show up.




1. How valuable is your peace to you?

2. Based on what you just read, how will you handle things that disturb your peace?

3. Do you think that the Lord is concerned about your state of mind?

4. What scriptures can you meditate on regarding God’s promises of peace?


Hope Overcome Ebook



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God Provides Rest For The Weary

God Provides Rest For The Weary

Have you ever experienced something extremely devastating in your life?  Or perhaps you suddenly received some difficult news that momentarily seemed to knock the wind out of you. Have you ever wondered if God provides rest for the weary? If you can relate to these situations then you know the importance of leaning on the strong arms of the Lord.  Matthew 11:28 says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”   This scripture is a reality that points us to the place where we can lay our heads and breathe a huge sigh of relief.


Taking our problems to the Lord in prayer is the place that we can go to receive real answers to life’s problems and receive supernatural peace.  I encourage you to let the Lord be your first place of comfort.  Run to Him in your hours of sadness, weariness, confusion, or whatever the burden may be.  Your shoulders are much too small to carry the weight of heavy burdens.  Make a resolve to go to Jesus first.  He has exactly what you need.



1.      What do you do when the issues of life try to speak louder than the promises of God?

2.     What adverse situation(s) can you think of that are no longer a problem for you?

3.     How did you make it through those difficult times?


God Bless,

Minister Kimberly Smith

Minister Kimberly Smith is a woman who is dedicated to God and has been serving the Lord for more than 30 years. She is a woman who radiates the love and compassion of Christ and emanates God’s great hope for people. The Lord uses her mightily in areas of intercession, teaching, counseling, and encouragement. She is also a prolific prophetic writer, watchfully scribing the whispers of God. God graced her with gifts that have brought inner healing and hope to many. Minister Kimberly and her husband Minister Michael L. Smith created an anointed Spoken Word CD titled “The Pastor’s Journey.” She is the author and her husband is the musical arranger, composer, and reciter. She is a graduate of Kent State University with a M.Ed. in Rehabilitation Counseling, and of Wilberforce University with a BA in Rehabilitation Counseling.