Our God is so loving, faithful, merciful, and true.  There are so many reasons to be grateful.  In this blog I will discuss 3 reasons to have an attitude of gratitude.  My hope is that by the end of this blog you will have some additional reasons to add to your own personal lists of showing gratitude.


It’s God’s Will


The Lord wants us to have an attitude of gratitude.  His word says, “In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you (1Thess 5:18).”  Showing our gratitude to God blesses God and lets Him know that we don’t take Him for granted. It shows Him that we recognize Him as being sovereign in our lives.  He even blesses us in return. Also, regardless of how challenging things in life can get, the Lord still expects us to give thanks.  We have to be filled with the knowledge that if the Lord is not on our side we would be in a horrible place without any hope.  We have to realize that God always wants what’s best for us, and that, forever remains a reason to be grateful.


It Keeps Us Grounded


Having a heart that is full of gratitude keeps us grounded.  In other words, it keeps us with the correct mindset knowing that all blessings come from our Heavenly Father who is better than mere words can ever describe.  Having an attitude of gratitude leaves no room for pride.  Regardless of our intellect, assets, talents, callings, and victories having a grateful heart keeps us humbled knowing that none of it would be possible without the hand of the Lord in our lives.


Leaves No Room For Negativity


People that have an attitude of gratitude have very pleasant outlooks. Research shows that they are even healthier than those that do not have a grateful attitude. They don’t have time to get involved with negativity or complaining.  They guard their minds and hearts and learn to quickly discern when something is contrary to their grateful attitude and place of peace.  They refuse to allow negativity in their place of gratitude and their positivity.

Let’s purpose in our hearts to live our lives with an attitude of gratitude.





  • Take inventory over the next three days of your thoughts and the things that you say to God, yourself, and others. Do your thoughts/comments fall more on the positive side or the negative side?


  • Does your behavior display that of someone who has an attitude of gratitude and gives God the glory in everything?


  • Do you see where you can improve in having an attitude of gratitude? If so, what will you do to make the proper adjustments?


God Bless,

Minister Kimberly L. Smith

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