Real love originated with the Almighty God. The Holy Bible declares that God is love. He is the highest expression of love. There is absolutely no darkness in Him.  His love is perfect and unconditional. When I think about these things I can’t help but feel humbled and blessed beyond measure to know that I was formed by the hands and heart of ultimate love. The greatest thing about love is that our Heavenly Father wrapped us in that glorious love of His before He even sent us to earth. His love will never leave us. We are connected to the One who is love.


We cannot get away from God’s love even if we tried. I can’t think of one good reason why anyone would want to be separated from God’s great love but, even if someone would come up with various reasons it would not stop God from loving that person.


You see He is not like mortal man. We don’t always do things right, our attitudes may not always show the character of Christ, and if the truth be told sometimes we favor one person over another. However, God’s ways are far from ours. He is love and He is full of compassion, mercy, and loving-kindness. He is also the God of justice and although He brings correction, and judgment when and where it‘s needed it does not negate the fact that He is love.


One of my favorite songs is titled Stubborn Love by Kathy Traccoli. She sings about God’s relentless love regardless of her level of faith or how many times she’s messed up, God’s stubborn love won’t let go of her. It’s so good to know that God loves us completely. Oh what a Mighty God we serve.




  1. What does it mean to you to be loved by the God who created the entire universe?


  1. What are some ways that you can express your love to the Lord?


  1. In your own way take some time right now and tell the Lord how much you love Him. Be sure to take some time to be still in His presence and soak in His love for you.

God Bless,

Minister Kimberly L. Smith

Minister Kimberly Smith is a woman who is dedicated to God and has been serving the Lord for more than 30 years. She is a woman who radiates the love and compassion of Christ and emanates God’s great hope for people.

The Lord uses her mightily in areas of intercession, teaching, counseling, and encouragement. She is also a prolific prophetic writer, watchfully scribing the whispers of God. God graced her with gifts that have brought inner healing and hope to many.

Minister Kimberly and her husband Minister Michael L. Smith created an anointed Spoken Word CD titled “The Pastor’s Journey.” She is the author and her husband is the musical arranger, composer, and reciter. She is a graduate of Kent State University with a M.Ed. in Rehabilitation Counseling, and of Wilberforce University with a BA in Rehabilitation Counseling.