Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompence of reward. Hebrews 10:35

The following is a prophetic word about having confidence in Christ.


“I am here for you no matter how things may look at various times in your life.  It is important for you to know that I’ll never leave you nor forsake you just as I have said in My word.


There will be many temptations that will try to interrupt your flow of faith and belief in Me.  The enemy will try to sway you and make you think that I do not hear your cry for help but, I say that I do hear you and I will rescue you My child.  For you are My chosen one and I will not leave you Fatherless.


I am your heavenly Father.  I am faithful.  I am your deliverer.  I am your rescuer and I will rescue you; make no mistake about it.”


May we forever turn a deaf ear to the voice of the enemy.  It is his goal to make us turn our back on our great God, and turn our allegiance towards him.  May we always be aware of his devices by following the voice of the Lord.  May we forever hold on to our confidence in God.  The Lord is our rescuer.




1.  Have you ever been tempted to cast away your confidence in the Lord?


2.  If so, how were you able to regroup?


3.  What encouraging words would you give someone who may be in that place right now?


God Bless You!


Minister Kimberly

Min Kim Pic How Great Is Our God